It was the event this Thursday evening in Vercel! After two years without an agricultural show, our Montbéliardes and Comtois traits have taken the road to the capital. A departure which was meant to be festive as usual with more than a thousand people coming to attend.
The Covid had deprived Doubs breeders of their annual meeting in the capital. After long months of absence, the agricultural show opens its doors on Saturday February 26th. A reopening that will take place with 10 Comtois horses and 14 “white heads”selected to pass competitions.
It’s a reward for our daily work
Paulo, a 23-year-old breeder is on the trip. “I represent my father who remains at the farm. I can’t wait. It’s a dream to return to the salon. We sleep little there, we sleep little but it’s only happiness. It’s a reward for our day-to-day work”. But before going there, we had to get organized.
– Virginia Vandeville
This Thursday evening, the appointment was given at 7 p.m. in Vercel. Objective for our breeders on the departure: to load the two trucks. At first, everyone is busy storing straw, food for the animals, but also beds, blankets and diapers for the needs of breeders.
– Virginia Vandeville
Before the big departure scheduled for this Thursday evening at 11 p.m., the animals were kept warm under the gaze of little Clément, who had come expressly from Belfort. you“When I see the pretty white cows, it makes me dream. I would like to be a breeder one day”, assures the little boy. A dream that many people present this Thursday have realized.
– Virginia Vandeville
Many are indeed in the business and scrutinize the animals, installed one next to the other. “These are beautiful cows with pretty udders and pretty coats”assures Damien.
– Virginia Vandeville
But it’s not easy to reach the gates that separate the cows from the public. With the world, it is even difficult to make your way to the restaurant area and Anne-Marie’s morbiflette. “We don’t care about the weight. Here we offer products from home!”, provides the cook for a day. With his colleagues, she had to peel more than 250 kilograms of potatoes to serve the dish.
– Virginia Vandeville
A warm meal that resembles the atmosphere of this evening which looks like a reunion evening. “The most important thing is not the animals, but tonight is an opportunity to meet again, to meet all together. It is passion that brings us together here. In addition, the fact that the horses and the Montbéliardes are reunited is happiness at the bar”further specifies Anthony, a cow breeder in Charquemont
Same day of departure
It is indeed the very first time that the Montbéliardes, which only stay 5 days at the show, and the Comtois horses leave at the same time. “This departure at the same time is a beautiful image for our two races and our department where theagricultural craze is very present. You just have to see the number of people who came tonight,” assures Jean-Philippe Bart, breeder of Comtois traits in Fertans, and vice-president of the breed.