The Crémieu Medieval will not return to Isère in 2022

Fans of costume parties and the Middle Ages were waiting for their return, but we will have to do without. This year again, Crémieu will not have his Medieval ones. This party brought together 40,000 people in Nord-Isère but the covid has already prevented its organization in 2020 and 2021.

Despite the relaxation of health rules, there are still too many uncertainties according to the mayor of Crémieu to organize an event of such magnitude. Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the additional cost linked to security companies to control the health pass but also the lack of volunteersdifficult to mobilize after two years without a party.

Activities for Heritage Days

All this pushes the teams to put an end to the Medieval as we knew them so far. “With a lot of regrets and pain for the municipality but also for the volunteers, all those who devoted themselves to this beautiful celebration” underlines Mayor Alain Moyne-Bressand. Gathering so many people in the medieval city while the health rules remain uncertain according to him, “It was complicated. We could have done a paying show in the Pré Minssieux, but it didn’t give the same brilliance as these Medieval ones, which were an extraordinary success.”

Other less important animations are in progress preparation for heritage days next September assures Alain Moyne-Bressan. He specifies that teams are working on a new animation in 2023 so that there is always “a beautiful party” in Cremieu.

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