Posted at 9:00 a.m.
Raphaël Girard still has difficulty believing what is happening to him. A few hours after our interview, the 16-year-old will open for Émile Bilodeau’s show in Chambly. “It took me a while to realize that last night: tomorrow I’m going on stage with one of my childhood idols,” says Raphaël Girard.
He and Émile Bilodeau met as part of the project The creators of Tele-Quebec. The teenager from La Prairie had the chance to receive advice from the singer-songwriter and even create a duet with him. We will be able to see the result on Friday during the show. The creators: the big nighthosted by comedian Mathieu Dufour, aka Matt Duff, and visual artist Pony.
A beautiful complicity quickly settled between the two singers, as evidenced by the images of their meeting.
“He reminds me of several people: my little brother or my friends who are getting into music,” says Émile Bilodeau. Then, he looks at the teenager: “You symbolize a lot the fact of wanting to achieve his dream and that speaks to me. »
Together they worked on Epiphanya piece about “the first time you feel the real feeling of love”, written and composed by Raphaël Girard.

Emile Bilodeau
“His tune was pretty much already done. […] We shortened it for the needs of the show, but I didn’t touch the text or the music that much. I really just added energies, played with the rhythm sessions. »
first times
The project The creators brought Raphaël Girard into the studio much faster than he would have thought.
I had the chance to chat with Amélie Mandeville, who is the artistic director of the show. She invited me to meet Alex Métivier who offered to produce my song Epiphany. […] It’s incredible ! I’m super lucky to have had the opportunity to do this.
Raphaël Girard, who worked with Émile Bilodeau
The young man also composed his first piece at only 5 years old. Epiphany due out soon on all platforms.
For Raphael Girard, The creatorsit is also a first experience of filming for television.
“To have four cameras filming you…”, begins the teenager. “In your bubble”, specifies Émile Bilodeau. “It’s still intimidating,” concludes Raphaël Girard.
Dance before you walk

Zakary Belharbi and his mentor, Kim Gingras
Zakary Belharbi, he is rather accustomed to film sets. The 12-year-old boy has starred in a few commercials, films and shows, including The red wristbands. However, it was not as an actor that he took part in the Creatorsbut as a dancer.
“I have always loved dancing. I even danced before walking, ”says the one who started lessons at the age of 4.
His smile tells you something? Maybe you remember his time on the show Revolution, in 2019, as Lil Zak. He was only 9 years old then.
Since then, he has continued to improve. He devotes 7 to 10 hours a week to dancing and takes part in about fifteen competitions a year. He recently added a hundredth medal to his collection.
“He’s a young dancer who really gives himself a lot and he does it for the right reasons. It seems that he likes it, that he eats it, ”testifies Kim Gingras, seated at his side in Angrignon Park.
Before playing the role of mentor with Zakary Belharbi, the choreographer had seen the young boy at work during a dance congress last November. “Right away, he stood out. He was ahead. He danced really well,” she recalls.
When she was approached for The creators and that she knew the name of the teenager to accompany, Kim Gingras hastened to accept.
Every time I have the chance to play this role of coach, it makes me really happy, because I tell myself that I was in his place. I understand.
Kim Gingras, Zakary Belharbi’s mentor
“I had lots of questions when I was younger. So I share a bit of what I learned, with my ups and downs, ”says the one who also offers online mentoring to dancers wishing to break into the industry.
For an afternoon, Kim Gingras and Zakary Belharbi worked together in the workshop to refine the teenager’s number.
The lesson he retains from these hours spent with Kim Gingras? The importance of interacting with the spectators. “You have to take them on board in your delirium”, maintains the boy.
And what can we wish him for the rest of his career? “I have three dreams: to become a professional dancer, to dance with stars like Kim did, for example Beyoncé and Jennifer Lopez, and to open my dance school. »
Kim Gingras then turns to Zakary. “These are sweet dreams, but you’re already a professional dancer,” she says, with a knowing smile.
The creators: the big night, on Télé-Québec, Friday, at 10 p.m. Other mentors include Anas Hassouna, Marie-May, Queen Ka and vanessa lalonde.