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After a series of fatal accidents linked to drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the government is working on the creation of a road homicide offence. Currently, the drivers are tried for “manslaughter”.
According to the National Interministerial Observatory for Road Safety, the number of accidents related to drug use has been fairly stable in recent years: 500 on average between 2010 and 2019. The perpetrator of a fatal accident is guilty of homicide involuntary, he can incur up to 5 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros. Alcohol and narcotics are aggravating circumstances.
A hard-to-enforce offense
Associations and lawyers for road victims want to go further, with the creation of a road homicide offence. For Me Rémy Josseaume, driving after consuming alcohol or narcotics makes it possible to consider “a reform towards criminalization“.
For Me Antoine Régley, this offense would be difficult to apply. “The Penal Code provides that there is no crime without the intention to commit it. We don’t have it when we drive drunk or under narcotics“, he says. An inter-ministerial committee will meet to think about new sanctions, including in the event of heavy alcohol consumption.