the crazy week of Liz Truss, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

The head of government, who took office just a week ago, went through all the states in just seven days. The wrath of the opposition to the announcement of this overwhelming historical event. And the emotional elevator shouldn’t stop anytime soon.

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A week ago, Monday September 5, Liz Truss was a prominent minister, favorite to succeed Boris Johnson. Her victory proclaimed, she flies to Balmoral to meet the Queen. The new head of government is then far from suspecting that the sovereign is living her last days. The photo of their handshake will however be the last of the monarch.

>> Funeral of Elizabeth II: follow the news in our live

Back at 10 Downing Street, Liz Truss speaks her first words as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom: “I have just accepted Her Majesty The Queen’s kind invitation to form a new government.”

Liz Truss forms her government and must face the opposition in front of the House of Commons. Thursday, it presents a plan to fight against soaring energy prices, a capital measure. But she blanched when she read a note. She learns that Elizabeth II is in bad shape. A few hours later, the Prime Minister gave a new speech in front of Downing Street: “We are all devastated by the information that has just reached us from Balmoral…”

Liz Truss is one of the first to meet the new king at Buckingham Palace. At the heart of all the ceremonies, Liz Truss has just experienced a week in accelerated. She is preparing to receive heads of state from around the world for the Queen’s funeral. The head of government would almost forget that she has a country to recover from the crisis and social anger to appease.

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