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At the beginning of October, the Trudy, a freighter filled with cocaine, was intercepted in Dunkirk. The transport of drugs by sea is becoming more democratic.
To infiltrate cocaine in Europe, traffickers are ready for anything. The Trudy cargo ship was thus tracked for several weeks, starting in October 2021. 185 m long, the boat transports ore, but also drugs. He is surrounded by the customs helicopter and the coastguard patrol boat. Diverted to the port of Dunkirk (North), the boat is immobilized at the quay. Customs officers will search the passageways and cabins. After five hours of searching, they find a cache in a false ceiling, filled with cocaine.
“The market value of this cocaine is estimated at 80 million euros on the wholesale market and 140 million euros on the retail market”, explains Simon Piel, journalist at World. As it prepares to go back to sea, the Trudy is robbed on October 11 by half a dozen men disguised as police officers who search the boat. The freighter leaves for the Netherlands where 530 kilos of hidden cocaine are still found. “The mode of delivery by sea is really a growing phenomenon”, says Simon Piel.