the crazy rumor after the announcement of the break!

This is a page that turns for Laura Lempika and Nikola Lozina. This Thursday, January 5, 2023, the duo – who got married last August – took to their social networks to announce their separation. “After five years of living together and of sincere, authentic love, we have decided to separate by mutual agreement”said Zlatan’s dad. “We will remain a couple of parents for our wonderful son. Our will to Laura and myself is to be able to remain attentive and present for each other. We ask people who love us and who follow us to respect our decision.

In the midst of turmoil, the main stakeholders are focusing above all on the ” welfare “ of their only son. “Most important today for Laura and me and the well-being of our sons and we will continue to get along well and respect each other first of all for Zlatan, but also because Laura is the mother of my son and I will respect her forever. That’s why I ask you to respect our choice.” affirmed Nikola Lozina on Instagram. “There is no story to invent around that, because it is our story that ends today, but to open a new chapter of our life, but separately and always with respect. Thank you for your kindness”.

“Do you have proof?”

On the Web, their admirers are still in shock. And some bloggers have investigated to find out more about the reason for their breakup. Like Mayamo_tv. The famous columnist also relayed an intriguing post that sparked countless reactions: “Laura allegedly cheated on Nikola with an armored guy in Dubai. She feels fresh since she redid her body and she would be in a relationship with this man”.

In the thread of comments, many Internet users reacted: “Do you have any proof? Because there, it’s big what you’re saying and not cool for them if ever, it’s wrong”, “Nikola cheated on her, and she cheated on him in return”, “No but, Nikola is so soft, and behaves like a 4 year old kid, I understand her so much”, “You all talk about money but seriously the guy he does not take care of him. It hasn’t looked like anything for several months, it doesn’t make you want to, sorry”. Information to be taken with a grain of salt of course…


to see also: “We had three-night parties a lot of times”: separated from Roger, Delphine Wespiser makes unexpected confidences about her exes

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