the crazy revelation of Isabelle Boulay when she met her idol!

The beautiful Quebecer is never stingy with anecdotes… or revelations! With her accent that makes vowels sing, and her generally very varied repertoire, Isabelle Boulay surprised her fans by offering them a latest album featuring her favorite Alain Bashung songs. And the astonishment is also in the media. Steven Bellery who interviews him for RTL therefore raises the question: “Are you aware Isabelle that a lot of people have to say to themselves ‘but what bit the bug’? A question that has the merit of making his guest laugh, which is immediately explained: “Yes, it may seem like a bit of a spooky idea, but precisely the artist who made me dream the most, in all its trajectory, its requirement, the literarity of its songs, the musical research, the musicians which it chose… it is Alain Bashung.”, she declares bluntly in a kind of inspiration.

“I’m more Rock’n’Roll than you think!”

She continues: “But I know that I am known above all as a singer of varieties, ballads, tender songs, but I must confess to you that all my life as a performer I have been looking for Rock songs. So I hope I’m going to give another reading of myself… in life, I’m more Rock’n’Roll than you think! It does not mean that I have an unhealthy life but it is in my temperament in fact. The journalist continues: “This next Tuesday, March 14, we will celebrate the 14th anniversary of the disappearance of Alain Bashung already… you had only met him once?” And the 50-year-old singer responds: “I said ‘close'” explaining that she ended up with her idol in a cramped hallway where they had to meet “and there I concentrate so as not to faint, his jacket brushed mine and there was a kind of movement a bit like a solitary cowboy… a dream what!”.“And you didn’t dare speak to him?” continues Steven Bellery. “No, I’m very very shy, deep down I’m very shopaholic.”, confides the companion of Eric Dupond-Moretti, before returning to the origin of his passion for the singer: “From the beginning of the 1990s, I was the first to arrive at the record store because it came to fill me with this sort of thirst for the absolute in writing. It’s almost surrealism. It’s as if you were leaving popular cinema (which I love!) to go to an auteur cinema.” She concludes as a magnificent tribute to this dandy rock song that we miss so much.


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