the cracked houses, the new ordeal of the owners



France 2

Article written by

L.Legendre-Trousset, I.Delion, M.Arribe, M.Larguet, A.Fischer, O.Combe, L.De Pavant, M.Lecointre, N.Berthier, L.Sabas – France 2

France Televisions

Drought is the main cause of cracks that appear in houses. The phenomenon is very poorly covered by insurance and creates a real headache for people who want to be compensated.

Whether in Sarthe, Seine-et-Marne, in the North or near Toulouse (Upper Garonne)it is the same bitter observation for the owners of cracked houses: it is difficult to get compensation. After repeated droughts, cracks appeared in 2018 on the house of a retiree, in Seine-et-Marne. In question : the clay soil, which works the foundations of the building. His insurance has finally validated the renovation work, but he had to fight for four years

In order for the owners to be able to be compensated by the insurance companies, it is necessary that they are installed in areas recognized as natural disasters. However, even when they are, compensation is not always guaranteed, as for a pensioner from the North, whose 300-year-old house cracked. Indeed, the expert refused to acknowledge the impact of the drought. Many owners give up in front of lengthy procedures. The clay zones at risk concern more than ten million homes.

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