The Cowboys Fringants cancel all their fall shows

“I decided to listen to you, to listen to myself, and to take a break », Announced Wednesday the singer of Cowboys Fringants, Karl Tremblay. So that he can focus on his cancer treatments, the group has made the decision to cancel all of its shows scheduled for this fall.

“We are going to cancel our fall shows so that I can concentrate on my treatments, my fitness, my physical and mental recharge,” announced Karl Tremblay in a short video posted on Instagram.

The singer revealed last July that he was suffering from prostate cancer. Since then, his health and treatments have forced the cancellation of several concerts over the summer.

“ [J’ai reçu] a lot of messages that said “Take care of yourself, Karl. Take a break, take care of your health.” I decided to listen to you, to listen to myself, and to take a break “, he shared, thanking the public for the love received following his diagnosis.

” THE shows of the Cowboys, it’s asking. We like it when things move, when people sing, dance with us. I’m going to put some juice back in the tank as they say, and give the treatments a chance to have their effect,” he added.

The singer also addressed a few words to their French fans, who will have to show a little patience, the European tour also being postponed.

“We’ll come see you eventually. I just wanted to tell you that we don’t forget. We love you,” he concluded.

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