The Cowboys Fringants cancel a show scheduled for Tuesday in Alma

The Cowboys Fringants have canceled the show they were to present this Tuesday at the Festirame in Alma, Lac-Saint-Jean.

The Festirame organization explains that this absence is due to the schedule of treatments that must undergo the singer of the Cowboys Fringants, Karl Tremblay, who has been fighting for several months against prostate cancer.

It seems that it was an opinion from Mr. Tremblay’s medical team that convinced him to make the decision not to go on stage in Alma.

In a message sent by Festirame, the Cowboys Fringants promise to recover as soon as the situation allows.

The Three Accords will take over on Tuesday. Festirame announces that they will be on the stage at Place Festivalma to offer their new show, despite the circumstances.

Festirame’s purchasing policy does not provide for any refunds in the event of a show being cancelled, but holders of day tickets purchased for Tuesday will be able to access the Trois Accords show.

A Cowboys Fringants concert has been scheduled for next Thursday at the Festival d’été de Québec; on Monday, it was still on the lineup, on the event’s website.

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