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The implementation of the new health protocol, which notably imposes self-tests on pupils in contact cases, is a headache in schools. According to the Scientific Council, a third of teachers could be infected in the coming weeks.
The health situation turns into a puzzle, for the director of an elementary school in Seine-Saint-Denis. The teacher of a CE1 class, suspected of Covid, is absent and not replaced, his class closed. In the next class, the CM1 students were luckier, their teacher, who was also absent, could be replaced in the morning.
In another school in Seine-Saint-Denis, two classes are closed due to positive cases, students are invited to return home as soon as possible. “Rather than learning, they are at home “, emphasizes Isabelle Reiver, parent of a student. A feeling of weariness shared by another mother, whose two children are in contact. “Teleworking with children, we must not believe that neither one nor the other is doing well“According to the Scientific Council, a third of the professors could be absent by the end of January.