The Covid-19 epidemic is returning to Europe, security at the heart of the presidential campaign … Informed on the morning of Wednesday, October 27

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Around Neïla Latrous and Marc Fauvelle to comment on the news of Wednesday, October 27: Astrid de Villaines, Head of Politics at HuffPost and Alix Bouilhaguet, columnist franceinfo tv.

The themes

– Covid-19: it’s going back to Europe, in France too: The trend is almost general in Europe: the number of Covid-19 contaminations is on the rise again. This is the case in 42 countries of the continent. Only seven recorded figures down over the last week. France is no exception to this recovery: more than 6,603 cases in the last 24 hours, or 669 more than last week. In Liberation Wednesday, October 27, Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, confides “Follow this very closely”, this increase in France and in Europe.

– Oyonnax, La Duchère, security is back in the presidential campaign: An accumulation of various facts these last days imposes in the public debate, and by small touches, the question of security. Question that had been relegated by concerns around purchasing power. In Oyonnax in the Ain, around twenty hooded individuals cut a pole carrying a CCTV camera. In Saint-Denis, in the Paris region, one person was shot dead and two others injured. And Monday, October 25, in the Lyon region, police officers from the BAC come under fire in the Duchère district. This gave rise to this pass of arms between the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin and the ecological mayor of Lyon Grégory Doucet.

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