the court revokes the license of the Novaya Gazeta media site

The investigative media no longer had the right to appear in paper format, but continued to offer its articles and archives online.

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Another blow for Novaya Gazeta. The Russian Supreme Court revoked, Thursday, September 15, the authorization to broadcast the media’s website, the latter announced. The investigative newspaper has seen its activities severely disrupted since last February, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

On his Telegram account, Novaya Gazeta reported that the Supreme Court had upheld a complaint by Russian media constable Roskomnadzor. Because the paper license of the newspaper had been revoked at the beginning of September, the site of Novaya Gazeta still allowed free access to published archives and investigations.

According Novaya Gazetathe Supreme Court ordered the revocation of its website’s license on the grounds that it had mentioned organizations declared “foreign agents” without explicitly mentioning that they had this status.

In Russia, dozens of organizations and individuals have been declared “foreign agents” and their status must be systematically mentioned in all publications, on pain of sanctions. The pressure against the independent media was already growing, but the Kremlin’s offensive in Ukraine since February has marked a sharp acceleration. Dozens of media websites were blocked and journalists had to take refuge elsewhere in Europe, such as Riga, Latvia.

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