the Court of Justice of the Republic dismisses nearly 20,000 complaints against Jean Castex and several ministers

If they did not all target the same members of the government, these complaints had been written “in the same terms” via a paid form put online by a lawyer, explains the CJR.

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They accused the ministers of “extortion”, “discrimination”, “false advertising” or even “abstention from fighting a disaster”. The Requests Commission of the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) has dismissed 19,685 complaints against Jean Castex, Olivier Véran, Jean-Michel Blanquer or Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, announces the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation, Monday January 24.

These complaints had been “written in identical terms from a paid form put online by a lawyer”, and were therefore treated jointly, explains its press release. “The facts denounced (…) are not such as to characterize an offense”, decides the CJR, the only court authorized to judge the acts committed by a minister within the framework of his function.

In detail, the CJR’s Requests Committee explains that the complaints accusing the government of “abstaining from fighting a disaster” essentially criticize the establishment of the health pass and measures close to a vaccination obligation, “which constitute positive acts and not abstentions”.

The complaints against Transport Minister Jean-Baptiste Djebarri are based on comments taken out of context and “does not establish that no action was taken with respect to transport as alleged”, considers this commission.

It also rejects the accusation of “discrimination” against the non-vaccinated, which according to it does not correspond to the criteria of discrimination listed by the Penal Code, and that of “extortion” aimed at coercing vaccination, “the health pass is not compulsory”. Finally, concludes this commission, the accusation of false advertising cannot target government spots on Covid-19, because it is a “institutional communication in times of health crisis and not advertising for commercial purposes”.

The prosecution specifies that this block processing only concerns the 19,685 “standard” complaints with identical formulations, and that “substantiated complaints all gave rise to individualized treatment”.

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