the Court of Cassation confirms the prescription in the case of Mutuelles de Bretagne

The former president of the National Assembly and pillar of Macronie was accused of “illegal taking of interest” and prosecuted by the anti-corruption association Anticor.

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This is a case now closed, and the end of the prosecution for Richard Ferrand. The Court of Cassation confirmed on Wednesday October 5 the prescription for the offense of “illegal taking of interest” targeting Richard Ferrand in the case of Mutuelles de Bretagne, which should lead to the end of the proceedings against this former pillar of Macronie.

Richard Ferrand, 60, is suspected of having taken advantage of his position as general manager of Mutuelles de Bretagne, from 1998 to 2012, to favor his partner, allowing him to buy real estate in 2011 without paying a penny. “This means the end of the proceedings for illegal taking of interest against Richard Ferrand”said Jérôme Karsenti, the lawyer for the Anticor association, who had filed a complaint.

The anti-corruption association appealed in cassation in April 2021 after a judicial decision by the Douai Court of Appeal. The court considered that the public action against Richard Ferrand concerning the case of the Mutuelles de Bretagne was prescribed.

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