the Court of Auditors warns about the “uncertainties” around the construction of new reactors

President Emmanuel Macron announced the relaunch of nuclear reactor construction in his last televised address on November 9.

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A doubt hangs over the nuclear industry. The Court of Auditors alerted, Thursday, November 18, to the “uncertainties” weighing on the ability to build a new nuclear fleet “within a reasonable time and at a reasonable cost”, while President Macron has just decided to launch a new reactor construction program, without for the moment specifying that it is EPR.

The construction of new means of electricity production – whether nuclear or renewable – “calls for now urgent decisions to guarantee our supply by the decade 2040”, underline the magistrates in a thematic note. This was already the conclusion of the recent report by the operator of the RTE network, while the French nuclear fleet is aging and electricity needs must increase to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Following this publication, Emmanuel Macron announced on November 9 the launch of a new nuclear program, while this theme was imposed before the presidential election of 2022. France is currently building a single new EPR reactor. generation, in Flamanville (Manche). Reminding “the drift of construction times” of the latter, the Court emphasizes “uncertainty in terms of the ability to build a new fleet of reactors on time and at reasonable costs.”

EDF made a proposal to the State to initially build 6 new EPR models (EPR2) for an estimated construction cost of 46 billion euros. But the magistrates note that it would take much more (up to “25 to 30”) to maintain a 50% share of nuclear power in electricity production beyond 2050. This would require “a mobilization and a recovery effort accelerated pace of our nuclear industry “and would pose” the question of the number of sites available “.

They also note that EDF will not be able to finance new constructions on its own and that “risk sharing with the State” will be necessary.

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