the courageous and touching decision of her children in the midst of a battle against cancer!

The news of Florent Pagny are rare, but fortunately, they are good! Indeed, the artist who revealed at the beginning of the year 2022 to be suffering from lung cancer seems to have regained the hair of the beast… And obviously, it is from his little corner of paradise, Patagonia, that the former juror of “The Voice” is getting back on track! And for good reason, it is in this region of Argentina that the singer settled about thirty years ago with his wife… Thus, it is quite naturally that he chose this country to recover. in good shape, but also enjoying the calm of his family…

And for good reason, on November 1, his daughter Aël shared several photos of this little corner of paradise in South America via an Instagram post. Selfie at the beach, breathtaking landscape photos, image of her Inca brother… The young woman shared magnificent shots of her family stay in Patagonia… A few days cut off from everything and surrounded by her family who have to do a lot pleasure to the artist.

As a reminder, Florent Pagny recently declined Nagui’s invitation. While the host had invited him to go to the Taratata set last Saturday to participate in an evening devoted to the fight against cancer, the latter had preferred to leave a message: “I would have liked to be with you to an evening like this to support and mobilize against cancer. Especially since I’m largely concerned now. Precisely, I am so concerned that I am in a fitness phase. But hey, if all goes well, next year, we’ll finally get together to sing and get individual donations that allow the development of research. And it’s starting to bear fruit since, as you can see, I feel better and better. It’s because the programs are working better and better! “, he declared Das a video that Nagui retransmitted during the evening. Very reassuring news!

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