The government will launch its “Center for analysis and the fight against violence against elected officials” on Wednesday May 17. Currently, the figures for attacks on elected officials recorded by the Ministry of the Interior are different from those of the association of mayors of France.
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The resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin in Loire Atlantique has brought to light the attacks on elected officials, but for the moment the census of this violence is partial. There are two counts: the census of the Ministry of the Interior and that of the AMF, the Association of Mayors of France. Both lack precision. The president of the AMF, David Lisnard, called on Thursday May 11 for a “precise study of the phenomenon of attacks on elected officials“And for its part the government will launch Wednesday, May 17 the creation of a cell dedicated to this subject the” Center for analysis and fight against violence against elected officials “.
>>> What is the “fighting cell” against attacks on elected officials promised by the government?
The qualitative but partial count of the AMF
The association of mayors of France uses the observatory of attacks against elected officials. Since 2020, it has allowed each municipal councillor, deputy or mayor to testify precisely to the attacks they have suffered, physical or verbal attacks. This observatory aims to conduct a qualitative study with a typology of attacks. But it is far from being exhaustive, since this count is established from press articles and reports of victims. So they have to think about doing it. According to the count of this observatory, violence against elected municipal officials was up 15% last year with around 1,500 attacks in 2022.
Figures from the Ministry of the Interior
The account of the Ministry of the Interior is a little more complete. It is based on feedback from the prefectures: that is to say the handbooks or complaints lodged by elected officials at the police station or at the gendarmerie. This does not only concern elected municipal officials but also all other elected officials, such as deputies, for example. According to the latest figures, violence has increased by 32% in 2022 with 2,265 complaints or reports, mainly verbal attacks.
But beyond these raw figures, there is no qualitative study. No typology of attacks is made, we do not know which categories of elected officials are targeted, and which geographical areas are concerned. Nothing is known either of the criminal responses, while the AMF deplores the number of complaints closed without action. This is why David Lisnard the president of the association wants to take as an example what is already done for domestic violence each year. The Ministry of the Interior provides a very detailed study of violent deaths within the couple.