the country voted peacefully


Video length: 3 min

Presidential election in Senegal: the country voted peacefully

Presidential election in Senegal: the country voted peacefully


After a serious political crisis which shook Senegal last month, the presidential election began in the country on Sunday March 24. The outgoing president tried to temper the confidence displayed by the two favorite candidates.

Barely after voting in Dakar (Senegal), Sunday March 24, Amadou Ba, the former Prime Minister and designated successor to outgoing President Macky Sall, announced himself victorious in the presidential election. Bassirou Diomaye Faye, the opposition candidate, also showed his confidence as he left the polling station. Macky Sall tried to temper the confidence of the two favorite candidates.

An almost unexpected election

“It is neither up to a candidate nor a camp to proclaim a victory or results”, recalled the outgoing president of Senegal. The country, however, voted calmly. This election is almost unexpected after the political crisis which shook Senegal in February. Macky Sall had announced that he wanted to postpone the presidential election, without giving new dates. Officially, he explained that he wanted to calm political tensions. But the opposition accused him of wanting to seize power after serving two terms, the maximum allowed. Macky Sall was finally disowned by the Constitutional Council.

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