the country is suffocating and lacks water


Video length: 3 min

Heatwave in Mexico: the country is suffocating and lacking water

Mexico is being hit by increasingly intense heatwaves. Mexico City and its surrounding areas have been suffocating for several weeks, and water shortages loom in certain neighborhoods.


Mexico is being hit by increasingly intense heatwaves. Mexico City and its surrounding areas have been suffocating for several weeks, and water shortages loom in certain neighborhoods.

Nevers-seen. Just a few months ago, there was always water in Lake Zumpango (Mexico), now completely dry. It extended over several dozen square kilometers. Desolation has replaced life. In the village of Texcoco (Mexic), near the capital Mexico, 140 families made their living from fishing. Today they feel abandoned by the authorities. Every day, they implore the sky for rain to fall, in prayers and music.

Average temperatures between 40 and 45 degrees

For several weeks, the entire Mexico region has been experiencing a particularly intense heatwave, with average temperatures between 40 and 45 degrees. The rainy season does not begin until the end of May, but this exceptional and historic heat is worrying. HAS Mexico, theGreen spaces are rare and water cuts are becoming more and more frequent.

source site-29