“The country is sinking into a deep democratic crisis”, estimates Yannick Jadot denouncing the “illiberal drift” of the president

For the European Ecology MEP The Greens, the government is showing “authoritarianism” in the context of pension reform as on certain ecological issues.

“The country is sinking into a crisis which is not simply a social crisis, which is a deep democratic crisis”, says Yannick Jadot, MEP EELV, Tuesday, April 25 on France Inter. According to him, the President “is in the enjoyment of himself, of his power, in contempt”. “We see a president who continues with a very tough, quite liberal agenda, and who – because this model is deadlocked – uses authoritarianism as a means and populism as a discourse”denounces Yannick Jadot.

For the Europe Ecology MEP Les Verts, the government is showing “authoritarianism” in the context of the pension reform as well as on certain ecological issues, denouncing for example “the excesses of law enforcement” during the mobilization against the project of mega-basins in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres). “In the first five years we had the Amish, now we have the terrorists”he continues, using the term “ecoterrorism” used by Gérald Darmanin in October 2022 to talk about around forty demonstrators “S files” during the first demonstrations in Sainte-Soline.

“Changing our institutions” to get out of the crisis

“It is an extremely serious drift. Admittedly, we are not Hungary or Poland, but it is an illiberal drift”believes the MEP, in reference to regimes that abuse democracy. “I’m not saying that France has become Hungary or Poland, but [Viktor] Orban also relies on the Constitution and the laws he passes to challenge checks and balances”explains Yannick Jadot.

“It is quite rare in France to have a government, including its Prime Minister, which questions the League of Human Rights”he believes, while Élisabeth Borne recently wondered about the evolution and the role of the association, pointing out the “ambiguities” of the LDH “in the face of radical Islamism”. “Because it’s a counter-power, should it be dissolved?”, asks Yannick Jadot. The elected Green also asks the question of the association “The uprisings of the earth”, one of the organizers of the mobilization in Sainte-Soline, which Gérald Darmanin wishes to dissolve.

Yannick Jadot calls for “change our institutions if we want to emerge from the top of this democratic crisis”without what “Marine le Pen will be elected president and Eric Ciotti Prime Minister”. “We must do politics differently”he continues, while acknowledging that the left “must work on a project” to answer “to the crisis of the future” and by calling for the introduction of a proportional voting system for legislative elections.

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