the country hit by a winter storm


Video length: 2 min

United States: the country hit by a winter storm

United States: the country hit by a winter storm – (FRANCE 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L. Feuerstein, A. Canestraro

France Televisions

Affected by a cold wave of rare intensity, the United States came to a standstill on Sunday January 14. Thousands of flights have been canceled and schools have been closed.

Chaos on American roads in the Midwest, Sunday January 14. Caught in the winter storm, a truck hit a barrier, spilling its load onto the roadway. Other motorists were forced to abandon their vehicles in the face of snow and blizzards. The state of Iowa recorded an average of -25°C overnight from Saturday to Sunday. Residents of the central United States are facing a cold snap of rare intensity.

Several towns flooded

The country is partly at a standstill. Thousands of flights have been canceled and schools have been closed. In Buffalo, New York, the American football game was postponed. On the east coast, in Maine, the storm also caused a lot of damage, including wooden cabins swept into the ocean. Several towns were also affected by significant flooding.

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