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The freeze on wheat stocks in Ukraine also pushed up the price of pasta in Italy. Italian producers have therefore undertaken to relocate wheat cultivation so as not to risk a shortage.
Will Italy have to massively plant wheat to preserve its most important food industry, which is pasta? What is at stake in the country is capital. Italians consume more than 25 kg of pasta per person per year. This is a record in Europe. The sharp rise in food prices is hitting purchasing power hard. According to Maria Ruggirello, who heads a major consumer association, Asso-Consum Italia, this inflation is unprecedented.
“Prices have increased so much. On some products, they have doubled, or even, in extreme cases, tripled”, explains Maria Ruggirello. On average, all brands combined, the price increase reached 30% in one year. Among the causes is the grain shortage due to the war in Ukraine. So Italy is relocating. Since last fall, 2 million hectares of durum wheat have been planted. The Mancini company had also anticipated the crisis. Growing your own cereals was a way of guaranteeing quality. From now on, the company is expanding even more: 600 hectares have already been planted, and this will continue, because this choice has become very profitable.