The Council of State rejects the Argenton-sur-Creuse wind project

This is France Bleu Berry information. The company “Centrale Eolienne des Portes de la Brenne” saw its last appeal rejected by the Council of State. Consequently, the wind farm project in the municipalities of Argenton-sur-Creuse, Vigoux and Celon is definitively buried. In any case as it was presented.

For the association PasdeVentChezNous is a great victory. “We have been fighting for seven years. There were very difficult moments, we were insulted. But we must not respond and continue the fight calmly. It finally paid off!” enthuses Jean Panel, the president of the association.

The project involved the installation of seven 184 m high wind towersin an area between Argenton-sur-Creuse, Vigoux and Celon.

The project was challenged by the prefect of Indre in 2019. The company then brought the case before the administrative court, then the Bordeaux Court of Appeal. It was the Conseil d’Etat that finally ruled and upheld the prefect’s decision.

We are happy for our territory. It is the park of Brenne which is saved. A reverse decision would have been the entry of wind turbines into the Park“explains Jean Panel who fears, however, that the company will submit a new project in the sector. “We remain very vigilant and we will continue to fight“he insists.

Contacted, the company Centrale Eolienne des Portes de la Brenne has not yet responded to our request for an interview.

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