The Council of State gives the green light to the expulsion of Imam Hassan Iquioussen

The Council of State on Tuesday decided the dispute between the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and this imam.

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Hassan Iquioussen will have to leave France. The Council of State validated, Tuesday, August 30, the expulsion of this imam. In his press release, he considers “that his anti-Semitic remarks, made for several years at numerous widely publicized conferences, as well as his discourse on the inferiority of women and their submission to men constitute acts of explicit and deliberate provocation to discrimination or hatred justifying the expulsion decision”. For the institution, “this decision does not cause a serious and manifestly illegal attack on the private and family life of Mr. Iquioussen”.

“It’s a great victory for the Republic”, reacted the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. This decision to deport the imam to Morocco had been suspended by the administrative court, seized by the person concerned to challenge this measure.

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