In a decision published on Monday, the Council of Europe denounces a violation of the rights of people with disabilities and their families by the French State, learned France Inter.
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The Council of Europe denounces a violation of the rights of people with disabilities by France, in an opinion made public on Monday April 17 and which France Inter was able to consult. The Council of Europe unanimously concludes that France violates three articles of the Charter of Social Rights and prevents people with disabilities from leading an independent life. He particularly regrets the absence of “coherent and coordinated disability policy”. The Ministry Delegate for People with Disabilities told France Inter that this decision will be subject to “by careful reading”.
“This decision demonstrates that in all areas of life, people with disabilities are hindered in exercising their rights”, launches in France Inter Luc Gateau, president of Unapei (National union of associations of parents, people with mental disabilities and their friends). In 2018, several French associations had filed a complaint to denounce this situation which persists, despite the 2005 law for equal rights and opportunities on disability. Among the difficulties encountered by people with disabilities, Luc Gateau mentions “the fact of not being able to access adapted support services, public services, housing, health”. Unapei also deplores the lack of real means for accessible buildings and transport, or the lack of space in foster homes.
These shortcomings can affect families and lead to precarious situations, warns Roselyne Touroude, vice-president of Unafam (National Union of Families and Friends of the Sick and/or Mentally Handicapped). “Many families, parents will have their child at home and will have to stop working to take care of their child”she explains to France Inter.
Necessary implementation of adapted accompaniments
“So that people with disabilities can live with dignity”, Unapei, APF France handicap, Unafam and FNATH (National Federation of Workers Injured and Handicapped) require that “the recommendations issued are translated without delay into coherent, coordinated and quantified public policies, so that the rights of people with disabilities are finally respected”. These recommendations concern in particular “the implementation of support adapted to needs and expectations”better schooling for children and real access to public services and transport.