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To supply the gas stations dry, the government had to increase its imports of refined petroleum. It is in particular from Belgium that the tank trucks responsible for filling our petrol pumps come, but obviously, the price is no longer the same.
In Tournai (Belgium)tank trucks filled with fuel leave for France. France has decided to appeal to its neighbors by drastically increasing its imports of hydrocarbons, to deal with the blocking of refineries. France imports mainly from Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, and a little from Italy. The fuels are transported by tanker, but also by ship from the port of Rotterdam (Netherlands) to the country’s three seaboards.
These imports have a major drawback: their price. By adding the refining margins of these products and the transport costs, the final price of the fuels sometimes turns out to be more expensive. “Certain distribution channels today face additional costs compared to what the market should be, which go up to 20 cents per liter excluding VAT”explains Frédéric Plan, general delegate of the French Federation of combustibles, fuels and heating. France is also drawing on its strategic reserves, which represent three months of fuel consumption.