The coroner relaunches her investigation into the death of the young Carpentier sisters

In the light of new information received after the broadcast of a report byInvestigationthe coroner’s office is carrying out a “complementary investigation” into the death of children Norah and Romy Carpentier at the hands of their father, Martin.

The presentation ofCarpentier case: on the trail of errorson March 10, brought out new information “which had never been transmitted to the coroner at the time of her investigation”.

Mand Sophie Régnière is therefore relaunching her investigation “considering these new facts”, less than five months after presenting the conclusions of her investigation.

“For the sake of complete independence and neutrality,” she will call on an investigator from the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal, “a police force that has not been involved in this case to date. »

The coroner raises the possibility of amending her previous investigation report or ordering the holding of a public inquiry if new elements justify it.

In the report presented to Radio-Canada, police officers, both active and retired, threw a stone into the pond of the Sûreté du Québec, whose management claims to have done everything possible to find the girls alive.

The testimonies denounced an erratic decision taken in the first hours of the research. They also condemned administrative cuts made in a unit dedicated to the search for the missing, made just a few years before the Carpentier saga.

The disappearance of the children and their father following a swerve on Highway 20 had taken Quebec aback in the summer of 2020. The tragic death of the two sisters, found lifeless in a thick wooded area of ​​Saint-Apollinaire, had moved the provinces and their father’s 12-day run had shocked them.

The Sûreté du Québec had assured that it had deployed all possible means to find the children alive. Several have questioned the decision to wait more than 17 hours before issuing an Amber Alert.

In her report presented on November 3, Coroner Régnière invited the authorities to revise the criteria leading to the triggering of an Amber alert. She had also pointed the finger at the lack of cooperation from hospital circles, who had refused to tell the police if the Carpentiers were inside their establishment following the automobile accident.

The coroner’s office does not specify when this second inquest will be concluded. He mentions that he will not issue “any additional comments” until the “additional investigation is completed. »

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