The COP26 is a “failure”, judges Greta Thunberg in front of thousands of young people gathered in Glasgow

The Swedish activist accused leaders attending the climate summit of inaction, citing a “greenwashing festival”.

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The climate conference is already “a failure”, blasted Friday November 5 Greta Thunberg, during a demonstration in Glasgow (Scotland, United Kingdom), where the COP26 is being held. Swedish activist, figure of the youth movement for the climate, described the summit of “celebration of ‘business as usual’ and blah blah”. “It’s no secret that COP26 is a failure”, she launched to several thousand militants gathered to call leaders to action. “They cannot ignore the scientific consensus and they cannot ignore us”, she said.

“Our leaders are not showing the way, this is what leadership looks like”, she continued, pointing to the crowd. “Our kings are naked”, she said about the leaders gathered for COP26. “History will judge them severely”, she added, accusing them once again of inaction and citing a “greenwashing festival”.

A second day of events is scheduled for Saturday in Glasgow, at the end of the first week of COP26. Activists want to once again highlight the climate emergency in the face of the devastating effects, across the planet, of rising temperatures due to greenhouse gas emissions generated by human activities.

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