The convent of the Sisters of Saint-Anne destroyed by fire in Saint-Cuthbert

In Saint-Cuthbert, a little north of Berthierville, the former convent of the Sisters of Saint-Anne has been engulfed in flames for a few hours. Fire departments and a power shovel work to smother the flames. The chances of preserving what remains of the building seem to have gone up in smoke.

This religious building of Lanaudière had been cited, last September, under the law on cultural heritage in order to ensure its conservation. The municipality of Saint-Cuthbert had recognized the exceptional character of this 1882 building. A subsequent extension dated from 1910. a clock, circular skylights.

Photo: Public Domain
The building as it appeared in 1910 on a collotype

Designed by renowned architect Victor Bourgeau, the building was in the Second Empire style, as was often the case for this type of building. In Montreal, we owe Bourgeau the Saint-Pierre-Apôtre church and the interior of the sumptuous Notre-Dame basilica. It was also he who designed the cathedral of Trois-Rivières.

The religious community of the Sisters of Sainte-Anne, which for a long time occupied this building in Saint-Cuthbert, had the mission of educating girls and boys from the countryside who were brought to them in the village.

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