There have been around “3,000 attacks on secularism” since the start of the school year, Nicole Belloubet said on Friday. The Prime Minister promised Wednesday to set up “educational support units” to help teachers.
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“Since January”there “contestation of the content of certain teachings, whether teachings linked to the origin of the world or to religious fact” is on the rise, deplores Friday March 15 on franceinfo Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Education. “It is unthinkable that science is not respected”she believes. “We will support the teachers”, assures the minister. On the other hand, “the number of attacks on secularism resulting from the wearing of signs ostensibly demonstrating affiliation with a religion has decreased” since January, notes Nicole Belloubet.
“There was a peak in attacks on secularism in the first quarter of this school year, when there was the question of abayas and there were also some acts refusing times of contemplation around Dominique Bernard and Samuel Paty”, explains the minister. With the disputes over the content of the teachings, “all of this gave a somewhat high figure, around 3,000 attacks on secularism“ since the start of the school year, says Nicole Belloubet.
Prime Minister Gabriel Attal promised Wednesday to put in place “pedagogical support cells” to help teachers faced with “resistance, even protests” of their teachings. Secularism is “today more than ever threatened” at school, he said in an interview with AFP.