the contest manhandled by a youtube star

Who will succeed Amandine Petit? Saturday evening, the election of Miss France 2022 will be held live on TF1. 29 candidates chosen by the Miss France committee will compete in the hope of winning the coveted crown.

Sylvie Tellier and her teams have been busy preparing for the election for several months now. It is in a particular context, marked by new government announcements to fight against Covid-19, that the director of the Miss France committee had to organize everything. Not without pain. If Sylvie Tellier has already confirmed that the election will be maintained on Saturday evening, she fears that she will ultimately not be able to welcome the public within the Zénith de Caen. “The real question is, we cross our fingers, hope to be able to welcome you to the Zenith with your sanitary pass, masked, there you are. Make sure that this beautiful election is in public”, revealed Sylvie Tellier.

As every year, the election of Miss France is at the heart of all attention. The committee had to face several controversies, in particular after a complaint by the association “Osez le Féminisme”. The association seized the Prud’hommes on the grounds that participating in Miss France would be work and should therefore be subject to the legal standards of labor law. Worse still, for the association “Dare feminism”, the selection criteria for the competition would then be discrimination. An opinion visibly shared by EnjoyPhoenix.

On Instagram, the YouTuber gave a strong opinion on the election while an Internet user asked her if she supported a particular candidate. “Am I the only one who does not like the concept of misses at all? For me, it is absolutely not representative of the society in which we live. In addition, beauty is hyper subjective and I find that it puts in the minds of young girls who watch the show of beauty standards that are not always attainable. It just screams at them ‘if you’re not like her you’re not beautiful’ and I hate this principle. I have nothing against the participants, but frankly for me the misses it should really be more inclusive “, estimated Marie Lopez of her real name. The social media star added, “Personally if I watch the show I know within a minute I’m crying while actually looking at myself.” That is what is said!


See also: EnjoyPhoenix: she responds to critics!

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