the consultation with the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon “confirms” the RN “in the idea that Marine Le Pen will win”


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The spokesperson for the National Rally, however, felt that “democratically, there was a box missing” in this consultation: that in favor of the vote for Marine Le Pen.

The National Rally “looked carefully” the result of the consultation launched by La France insoumise with the 310,000 people who supported the presidential candidacy of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said Philippe Ballard, spokesperson for the RN and regional councilor for Île-de-France, Monday April 18 on franceinfo. The result “reinforces us in the idea that Marine Le Pen will win next Sunday“, he asserted.

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“Two thirds of those who spoke will not choose Emmanuel Macron”, he pointed out. Of the 215,292 people who took part in this consultation, 37.65% indicated that they would vote null or blank in the second round, and nearly 29% assured that they would choose to abstain. 33.4%, on the other hand, will slip an Emmanuel Macron ballot into the ballot box.

Under the instructions given by Jean-Luc Mélenchon of “not to give a voice to Mrs. Le Pen“, the choice of the Le Pen vote was not proposed in this consultation. “Democratically there was a box missing”regretted Philippe Ballard.

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