Video length: 1 min
Health: doctor’s consultation could increase to 30 euros in December
Health: doctor’s consultation could increase to 30 euros in December
Initially planned for March 2025, the increase in the price of consultations, which should reach 30 euros, could be effective as early as December. The doctors’ unions wish to further improve certain points of the agreement finalized on Friday May 17.
As general practitioners have been demanding for two years, the price of the consultation could increase by 3.50 euros in December. It would still be reimbursed by Social Security at 70%. The draft agreement, finalized Friday May 17, also provides for upgrades for specialists. 1.6 billion euros in additional spending is expected. Six unions representing general practitioners must still consult their base and decide before the end of the month, after six months of heated negotiations.
“There remain points to improve on the valorization of technical procedures, surgery, endoscopy, radiology procedures (…). Their price is the same as 25 years ago”, regrets Franck Devulder, president of the CSMF union of specialists and general practitioners. The increase from 26.50 euros to 30 euros was initially planned by Social Security for March 2025. It is supposed to make the profession more attractive.