the consultation opened in “about ten days”, assures Olivier Dussopt

The Minister of Labor ruled out the idea of ​​reducing the amount of allowances, explaining that “in a period when we protect the purchasing power of the French, it does not make sense to lower an allowance”.

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The consultation on the reform of unemployment insurance will be open “in about ten days”assured the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, Sunday, September 18, in the program “Sunday in politics” on France 3. “We will open the consultation in ten days” on this reform which aims to “to make our unemployment insurance system more protective and more efficient”said the minister.

The principle of the reform is to vary the benefits paid to the unemployed according to the economic situation, an idea strongly criticized by all the unions in a press release published last week. Olivier Dussopt has not ruled out that this could be done region by region or employment area by employment area.

On the other hand, he ruled out the idea of ​​reducing the amount of allowances. “The only avenue that I do not open is the level of compensation. Because in a period when we protect the purchasing power of the French, it does not make sense to lower compensation”he explained.

>> Unemployment insurance reform: what are the government’s intentions?

On the eve of the publication of the figures from Pôle Emploi, at the end of July, the Minister of Labor had estimated that the rules for unemployment compensation should “taking into account the situation of the labor market”. “When things are going well, we tighten the rules and, when things are going badly, we relax them”. said Olivier Dussopt in an interview with Parisian.

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