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The public debate on nuclear power has been launched and a first meeting took place on Thursday October 27 in Dieppe. The French must say whether they agree with the construction of six new EPR nuclear reactors. An important issue, which could lead to tens of thousands of new jobs.
The nuclear sector envisages a new future. In a factory of Framatome in Saône-et-Loire, the final checks are in progress for the tank of a future EPR. A centimeter-by-centimeter ultrasound. Here will be built the tanks of future EPRs French announced by the President of the Republic. Thanks to this, the company projects a 20% higher activity next year than the current one.
About thirty people are hired per year, like Sébastien Lempierspotted at the French welding championships. “JI started training as a welder when I was young and nuclear power was my goal”he says. And they are not the only ones. To Estrablin (Isere)an SME manufactures unique machines for the nuclear industry, it intends to train more work-study students. More than 30,000 engineers and technicians will be needed if the construction of EPR is confirmed.