the Constitutional Council seized after the abstention of Jean Lassalle in his polling station

The video made the buzz this Sunday, April 24: Jean Lassalle stages his abstention, in his polling station in Lourdios-Ichère, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. But the act is prohibited by the electoral code, and the National Commission for the Control of the Electoral Campaign seized the Constitutional Council, reveals RTL. According to information from franceinfo, the Constitutional Council will deliver its opinion on this act on Wednesdaywhen he will give his general opinion on the presidential election.

According to the electoral code, “all discussions and all deliberations of voters are prohibited inside the polling stations”. However, in this video published on the Twitter account of the candidate eliminated in the first round of the presidential election, he explains: “For the first time in my life as a man, here in this town hall, I am going to perform one of the most important acts of my life, I refuse to participate in this vote, I abstain”. Jean Lassalle ends this staging of his abstention by returning his envelope to the assessor.

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