The Sages judge that the measures proposed by the Les Républicains (LR) party do not respect “legal guarantees”, particularly in terms of “national solidarity policy in favor of disadvantaged people”.
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It’s no. The Constitutional Council rejected, Thursday April 11, LR’s request for a referendum on immigration. He believes that the measures proposed by the right, which wants to subordinate “the benefit of social benefits” to a condition of residence in France, carry a “disproportionate harm” the rights to social protection of foreigners in a legal situation.
The Council does not oppose in principle conditions of residence or activity to access certain benefits, but judges that the measures proposed by the Les Républicains (LR) party do not respect the “legal guarantees”particularly in terms of “national solidarity policy in favor of disadvantaged people”.
A proposal from the LR formulated after the broad censorship of the Sages on the immigration bill
The Sages have already accepted in the past residence conditions to access active solidarity income (RSA), but they believe that the benefits targeted by LR, such as housing assistance or family allowances, are not of the same nature. LR had launched this request for a shared initiative referendum on immigration, after the broad censorship of the Constitutional Council on the immigration bill in January.
The Sages then rejected the main right-wing additions to the initial text, not in substance, but in form. According to them, the right’s restrictive measures on access to social benefits represented “legislative riders”unrelated to the initial bill.
On Thursday, the Constitutional Council this time ruled on the merits. It blocks the path to what the left denounced as a form of “national preference”. “A small caste has confiscated democracy!”reacted onthe boss of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti.