the Constitutional Council has published the final results of the first round, confirming the qualification of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen

It was the president of the institution, Laurent Fabius, who made the results public on Wednesday.

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“The first round of voting took place last Sunday, April 10 without notable incident”. The President of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Fabius, made public the final results of the first round, Wednesday April 13 at the end of the day. It was indeed the two candidates Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen who came out on top in the ballot and qualified for the second round, with 27.85% and 23.15% of the votes cast respectively.

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In all, with 48 747 876 registered voters, the number of voters was 35 923 707, an abstention rate of 26.31%. The number of blank ballots is 543 609. The number of spoiled ballots is 247 151. The number of valid votes cast is 35 132 947.

Here are the results by candidate :

  • Nathalie Arthaud: 197 094 votes, i.e. 0.56% of the votes cast
  • Philippe Poutou: 268 904 vote, i.e. 0.76% of the votes cast
  • Anne Hidalgo: 616 478 vote, i.e. 1.74% of the votes cast
  • Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: 725 176 vote, i.e. 2.06% of the votes cast
  • Fabien Roussel: 802 422 vote, i.e. 2.28% of the votes cast
  • John Lassalle: 1 101 387 vote, i.e. 3.13% of the votes cast
  • Yannick Jadot: 1 627 853 votes, i.e. 4.63% of the votes cast
  • Valerie Pécresse: 1 679 001 votes, i.e. 4.78% of the votes cast
  • Eric Zemmour: 2 485 226 vote, i.e. 7.07% of the votes cast
  • Jean-Luc Melenchon: 7 712 520 vote, i.e. 21.95% of the votes cast
  • Marine Le Pen: 8 133 828 vote, i.e. 23.15% of the votes cast
  • Emmanuel Macron: 9 783 058 votes, i.e. 27.85% of the votes cast.

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