the Constitutional Council censors 40% of the text



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Immigration law: the Constitutional Council censors 40% of the text

Immigration law: the Constitutional Council censors 40% of the text – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – M. Mulcey, J. Nény, T. Curter, A. Richier, B. Vignals, N. Tahar, C. Marchaud, A. Fajon, M. Varona, B. Bervas

France Televisions

The immigration law was censored by 40%, Thursday January 25, by the Constitutional Council. 35 articles, out of the 86 voted on in Parliament, were rejected.

The Wise Men decided to censor several provisions of the immigration law on Thursday January 25. Of the 86 articles voted on in Parliament, 35 were rejected. Laurent Fabius, president of the Constitutional Council, assumes. “In advanced democracies, like ours, above the law, there is the Constitution. It is the law of laws. (…) There must be people who check whether the laws passed by parliamentarians are in conformity with the Constitution or not”he explains.

40% of text censored

40% of the text was censored, due to articles deemed off-topic. Article 3, which tightened the conditions for family reunification, has disappeared, as has article 11, which set a deposit for foreign students, or even article 19 which tightened access to certain social assistance. Essentially, these were measures imposed by the right during the parliamentary debate. What remains in the text, in particular, is the measure which facilitates residence permits for foreigners in professions in shortage. Obligations to leave French territory will also be facilitated, as planned.

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