Video length: 3 min
Appointment of a Prime Minister: the Constitution “does not set a deadline”, believes Benjamin Morel, constitutionalist
Appointment of a Prime Minister: the Constitution “does not set a deadline”, believes Benjamin Morel, constitutionalist
After 50 days without a Prime Minister, the hypothesis of Xavier Bertrand’s appointment resurfaced on Tuesday, September 3. To discuss it, Benjamin Morel, constitutionalist, and Anna Bonalume, Italian journalist corresponding in France, were the guests of 11/13 info.
It has now been 50 days since France had a Prime Minister, this Tuesday, September 3. Does the Constitution allow this situation? “From a legal point of view, it is perfectly constitutional because Article 8, and this is perhaps a problem, does not set a deadline (…) legally, there is no problem, politically, on the other hand, there is one”believes Benjamin Morel, constitutionalist and lecturer, guest of 11/13 info.
The name of Xavier Bertrand is being repeatedly mentioned for the post of Prime Minister on September 3, while many other personalities have also been mentioned in recent days. “In Italy we have the experience of four technical governments and many expectations before the creation of a consensus on the part of the parties around these non-political figures (…) we will see if the idea of a technical figure (…) as in Italy, could be a solution to get out of the political impasse”, analyses Anna Bonalume, Italian journalist, correspondent in Paris.