The conservative social network Parler buys a host

(New York) Parler, a social network popular with American conservatives which had been temporarily ousted from the web after the attack on the Capitol in January 2021, announced on Friday that it had bought a company offering hosting services on the internet.

Posted at 9:50 a.m.

Deploring at the time the multiplication of threats of violence and illegal activities on Parler, Apple and Google had removed the social network from their download platforms, while Amazon had decided to no longer host it on its servers, ostracizing indeed the platform.

Talking had taken over a month to find a way to get back online.

To avoid a similar situation, the company raised new funds, $16 million, and acquired Dynascale, a company that offers solutions for hosting data on private or external servers. It’s an “alternative to big tech vendors,” says Parler.

The social network says it wants to “bypass the sector by building the first technological infrastructures and platforms in the world respecting freedom of expression”.

“We will no longer be able to repress” sites or networks in the future, commented its boss, George Farmer, quoted in a press release.

For the occasion, the company has created a new entity, Parlement Technologies, which will oversee Dynascale and the Parler social network.

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