The Conservative Party of Quebec would abolish the Council on the Status of Women and the Secretariat for the Status of Women.

A Conservative government would abolish the Council on the Status of Women and the Secretariat for the Status of Women and replace them with a new “Ministry of Equality”, Éric Duhaime said on Wednesday.

“It would be aligned (sic) in the same direction, we would promote equality effectively,” replied the leader of the Conservative Party when The duty asked him about it.

“I would like there to be a Ministry of Equality. Not just on the condition of women, but on all the inequalities in our society. Whether it is based on their sexual orientation, based on their sex, their origins. »

The Conservative leader had already made it known previously that he considered the role of minister responsible for the status of women superfluous because gender equality is a settled cause in his eyes.

“Feminists should even be proud that we can be there in the discussion. It shows that we are a society that has progressed for the past 30, 40, 50 years, ”he also mentioned.

Twenty ministers maximum

The Conservative leader has pledged to limit the number of ministers in a possible government to 20, seven fewer than in the outgoing government.

To achieve this, he would notably abolish all the posts of deputy ministers. There would also be no ministers responsible for the regions.

On Wednesday, the Liberal leader, Dominique Anglade, argued that abolishing the Council for the Status of Women and the Secretariat for the Status of Women “would be a setback”. “We need to have a strong message that we send on the issue of women in our society and on the fact that there is still a lot of work to be done,” she said, coming out of her meeting with the mayor of Quebec, Bruno Marchand.

with Florence Morin-Martel

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