The Conservative Party must be faithful to its history, says Jean Charest

(Ottawa) Some forty Conservative MPs and senators met with Jean Charest on Wednesday evening. The former Quebec premier came to discuss with them in anticipation of the race for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada, in which he is considering embarking.

Posted at 8:10 p.m.

Mylene Crete

Mylene Crete
The Press

“We’ll make the decision when we know the rules,” he said in a scrum, visibly amused by all the attention he got from the Ottawa parliamentary press. “We are not there yet, but the day is approaching. »

The event was organized, among others, by Quebec MP Alain Rayes, who supports Mr. Charest’s candidacy. Deputies and senators from all provinces have been invited.

“A subject on which, I think, we will all agree, is the importance, it is the responsibility of the Conservative Party of Canada towards the country because we need parties that are national in scope . It is absolutely essential,” he said.

“It means a political party that is faithful to its history, that represents each region of Canada and that presents a vision that is very inclusive of Canada. »

Already, the team of Pierre Poilievre, the only confirmed candidate to succeed Erin O’Toole, has attacked the ex-prime minister on Twitter.

Alberta MP Shannon Stubbs compared Mr. Charest, who led the Quebec Liberal Party for 14 years, to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. She accuses him of having introduced “a carbon tax” in Quebec, of having supported the firearms registry and of having increased the Quebec sales tax by 2% during his mandate. “Our leader must share our values ​​and respect our policies,” she wrote.

If Jean Charest launched, it would be a return to federal politics for this politician who also led the Progressive Conservative Party during the 1990s before making the jump to Quebec politics.

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