the conflict enters its sixth month



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Five months after the start of the war in Ukraine, journalist Stéphanie Perez reports on the situation of the conflict, from kyiv, the country’s capital.

In Ukraine, war has been raging for five months now. Despite the cereal agreement reached between Ukraine and Russia, the bombardments continue unabated. “No respite, Vladimir Putin wants to show that he remains the master of time, the master of the game. Russia indicated it this week, it does not want to focus on eastern Ukraine, on the Donbass. It also targets the south with often very deadly bombardments.“, says Stephanie Perez.

Despite the numerous bombardments, the Ukrainians continue to fight. “Opposite, the Ukrainians do not intend to give ground, they even dream of a counter-offensive, cheered up by the delivery of Western weapons“, explains the journalist. However, the situation is increasingly complicated for people who still live in Ukraine. “In the middle, well, trapped civilians increasingly tired, traumatized“, reports Stéphanie Perez. Since the beginning of the war, 5,000 of them have died.

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