Despite the controversy sparked by her comments on Emmanuel Macron, the singer will perform well on the Francofolies stage in La Rochelle on Wednesday July 12.
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Izïa Higelin’s concert will take place on Wednesday July 12 at the Francofolies, France Bleu La Rochelle reports on Monday. The singer is at the heart of a controversy and an investigation after the comments she made vis-à-vis Emmanuel Macron on Thursday July 6 during the Les Nuits Guitares festival in Beaulieu-sur-Mer (Alpes-Maritimes). ). According to France Bleu La Rochelle, the direction of the Francofolies does not wish to communicate on the words of the singer but reaffirmed Monday that the concert of Izïa Higelin was “Of course“maintained.
On the other hand, the city of Marcq-en-Barœul (North) confirms the cancellation of the singer’s free concert, scheduled for Thursday July 13 at the racecourse. The town hall led by an LR mayor, Bernard Gérard, announced in a press release that it had decided to “Unilaterally terminate the part of the contract relating to the performance of the singer” for this concert preceding the fireworks of the national holiday.
During the Guitar Nights of Beaulieu-sur-Mer (Alpes-Maritimes), in a monologue between two songs, the singer had mentioned a lynching of the President of the Republic. The Nice prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for “public provocation to commit a crime or misdemeanor”.