The concern of artisans in Hérault over the ban on diesel in 2028

Concern is mounting in the crafting world after the announcement last week of diesel car ban in the Montpellier Metropolis in 2028. This is the gradual implementation of the ZFE, the low emission zone. From July the most polluting vehicles will no longer be able to circulate in certain municipalities and within 6 years all diesel vehicles will be banned throughout the Metropolis.

But today the 40,000 craftsmen of the Hérault drive around in diesel cars”On the market there are no petrol or electric utilities” specifies Christian Pujol, the president of the chamber of trades and crafts. In addition, craftsmen often invest in their professional vehicles for 10 or 15 years, they fit them out for their activity and “take them to the end”. “Difficult for them to invest in new vehicles at the moment after the crisis they have just gone through.” Without speaking delivery times linked to the Covid crisis, it takes almost two years to have a new utility vehicle today.

The CMA requests consultation for accommodation

The chamber of trades has therefore launched consultation with its members to know their opinion on the subject, hundreds of emails have already arrived “be careful, we are bakers, we have to get the flour from such a place, we are seamstresses, we have to bring the fabric to such a place, we have just changed cars, we cannot afford to reinvest”

The chamber of trades asks for consultation with the Metropolis to find arrangements. “I know it’s a national law, but there are always possible solutions when you want them”

The CMA will soon make proposals to the Métropole de Montpellier.

source site-38