Video length: 2 min
Future government: composition announced next week
Consultations continue on the composition of the future government. Prime Minister Michel Barnier has indicated that the names will be known next week. Will there be ministers from the left in the new government team?
(France 2)
Consultations continue on the composition of the future government. Prime Minister Michel Barnier has indicated that the names will be known next week. Will there be ministers from the left in the new government team?
Alongside his former Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron took a crowd bath on the evening of Thursday, September 12 in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), when a left-wing voter questioned him about the political situation. Michel Barnier is still promising a government expanded to the right. Some already see themselves there, like Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau. On the left, there are no candidates. Stéphane Le Foll, Carole Delga and Karim Bouamrane have declined.
Received on Thursday September 12 in Annecy (Haute-Savoie) by LR parliamentarians, the Prime Minister told them: “Matignon will be your home”A little phrase that made the left wing of the late Macronist majority jump. “I did not sign up to go shopping in the RN program”denounced Roland Lescure, the resigning Minister of Industry and Energy, on Friday, September 13. Whatever the composition of the government promised for next week, Michel Barnier will always be maneuvering to avoid censure.