“The Competition Authority had requirements that the channels could not accept”, according to a media specialist

The two audiovisual groups have announced that they will abandon their merger. A “hard blow” for M6 which is still for sale, according to journalist Isabelle Roberts.

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The big downside for TF1 and M6 was the sale of TF1 or M6. The Competition Authority had requirements that the channels could not accept“, explained, Friday, September 16 on franceinfo, Isabelle Roberts, journalist, co-founder of the LesJours.fr site, co-author with Raphaël Garrigos of a series of articles on the merger project between the two television channels.

This is what is written in the press release, there is no longer any industrial logic if one of the two chains has to be sold“, she continues. “In case of sale, there would have been distortion on the programs, but the most important would have been on the publicity. The two channels represent 75% of the television advertising market. What is Considerable and Prohibited“, notes Isabelle Roberts.

>> Merger of the TF1 and M6 channels: a first report from the Competition Authority is “not favorable” to the project

“The hardest blow tonight is for M6, whose group is still for sale. That means there will be other buyers. M6 is also RTL radio. Todaythe one who threatens the M6 ​​group the most is Vincent Bolloré“, she concludes.

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